In which way does erectile dysfunction affect your life?
Erectile dysfunction (ED) sometimes called impotence is defined as the incapability to sustain or to gain an erection long enough during a sexual activity. Impotence may also be attributed to other problems that intercede with sexual activity or reproduction such as low libido or the inability to ejaculate or to reach an orgasm. Men can experience three types of erection normal, mild and dysfunctional. Erectile dysfunction is often met at any ages and can be treated at any ages, as for mild erection it can only be a short-time phenomenon having causes such as low desire. Men are more likely to seek help this days because of the advance improvements in this domain and the efficiency of diverse treatments. Overcoming your inhibitions and timidity can be a major step in treating erectile dysfunction, because it is known that erectile dysfunction creates a feeling of embarrassment and generates anxiety. Anxiety also affects your daily life, not even your relationship with your partner or wife, but your efficiency at work as well as other social issues. If you have a strong love-based relationship with your wife or partner you could cope with this problem but always erectile dysfunction will be a stress factor for you or your partner. She may also see in the inability to maintain an erection a lack of desire or a diminished feeling. Hiding this problem is not a solution, so working together with your doctor and partner as a team will always have a happy ending.
Erectile dysfunction causes
An erection is a complex process that involves mental or sensorial stimulation. The brain coordinates all the process, and sends through the neurotransmitters signals to the circular system that enhances a blood flow to enter the penis. The blood merges through two top situated spongy tissues called corpora cavernosa accumulating pressure and making the penis to expand. A membrane called tunica albuginea traps the blood in the corpora cavernosa, process that help to maintain an erection. Any interruption of those processes may cause erectile dysfunction. Damages brought to muscles, veins, nerves and fibrous tissue involved in an erection, are a main cause of ED. Diseases also affect your erection in a number of percentages such as diabetes between 35 and 50%, neurologic, vascular, multiple sclerosis, atherosclerosis, kidney or liver diseases in a percentage of 70%. Your lifestyle can also develop some health problems that later on can merge erectile dysfunction, such as cardio-vascular problems. Smoking is a common ED cause met especially at young persons for whom cancer did not seem to be a threat. Smoking thickens the veins and arteries lowering the blood flow and pressure trough them. It is also a cause for cardio-vascular diseases. Many drugs produce erectile dysfunction as a side effect such as blood pressure drugs, antidepressants, tranquilizers, antihistamines. Psychological causes such as stress, depression, anxiety, lack of self confidence, fear of failure cause 15 to 30% of ED cases. Persons also experience psychological reactions to physical causes of erectile dysfunction.
Diagnosis and treatment methods
If you experienced repeatedly erection problems with the specific symptoms, you will have to share them with your doctor. He may also ask when you developed those symptoms, questions about general condition or drugs you use for other health problems. You may also find that ED could be the sign of another health problem that you have. Blood tests for checking male hormones level, urinalysis or lipid profile are some of the diagnosing methods used to identify the cause of ED. If the causes prove not to be of physical nature you may need to take an interview or psychological examination that may reveal other factors. Treating ED includes a wide range of methods some of them using inconsistent results, unapproved or full of risks involving harmful side effects. Some men proceed in making changes in their lifestyle such as to quit smoking or loosing weight. Some follow a strict diet cutting any harmful drugs that have ED as a side effect. Surgery involves risks but may be applied when the blood circulation is affected and needs special intervention. Men also use oral drugs found on the market, some of them proved to be efficient especially the new herbal medicine drugs. Those herbal pills tend to take the place of the more renowned Viagra because of the cheap price, lack of side effects and efficiency. For the best herbal ED medicine drugs on the market check out ProVigraX pills.
There are few methods that may help you to prevent and eliminate some of the causes of erectile dysfunction like:
· reduce stress,
· get medical help for anxiety and depression,
· limit the use of alcohol,
· stop smoking,
· regular exercises that help you to stay fit,
· do not use illegal drugs,
· try to maintain a good relationship with your partner and talk openly about eventual problems that may affect you,
· talk to your doctor and try to treat medical conditions that may lead to erectile dysfunction,
· see for periodic tests and checkups
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