Thursday, May 8, 2008

About Mild Erection Problems

About mild erection

There are many discussions both internet and TV about erectile dysfunction problems but in the same time there is also another subject which is related to erection which is not discussed by the specialists. As you probably know erectile dysfunction (ED) which is also called impotence is the most common sexual problem in our days. This is very easy to find out by browsing any website which is pointed to this subject. The subject about we are speaking is called mild erection and it is an intermediate stage between impotence and full erection. It wasn’t studied very much by the doctors but there is some information which can be offered for the interested man. First of all let’s understate a couple of things about our subject.

What is erection

The erection is a result of some processes which are related one to each other in a very strong manner. Every man has three stages when it comes to a sexual relation: desire (libido), excitement (arousal) and the last stage the orgasm. When the arousal point is reached the nervous system (the brain) is sending through nerves signals which can be permanent or just for a short period. In that moment the blood flow is entering in the penis chambers, the top 2 ones (there is another one on the bottom of the penis used for urinating). There it is kept by the muscles during the sexual inter course and once you ejaculate it is pushed out from the spongy tissue. The quantity of blood is increasing the penis size and shape that is why it is important to have a healthy blood. You will read on the specialized pages from the internet and also from your doctor that if you are suffering from hypertension or hypotension.

What is mild erection

This is a problem which appears generally in the couples after a number of years. To offer a good example, if your erection is about 18 cm, a mild one will be around 13-14cm and for sure it will not be very strong. This subject is not very discussed on the internet because the number of researched related to this subject is not very big. Our doctors are presenting you in this article a few things about it.

The main causes for mild erection

The reasons of mild erections can be multiple exactly like the ones for erectile dysfunction. Erection is not reaching its full capacity because the quantity of blood which is entering in the penis is too small. The most common cause is a non-permanent arousal. In this way the signs which are sent by the brain through the nervous system are weak and not capable to “push” a high quantity of blood inside the penis. In the same time it can be also a problem with your blood pressure which is too low. These 2 problems are generally the reasons why you are unable to have a full erection and in consequence you will not satisfy your partner as she wants. There are men who don’t need direct contact for a permanent arousal; they just have to think about something pleasant and it is enough. In the same time experienced men need more than a simple arousal to have and maintain a full erection.

In the same time there reasons for erectile dysfunction can be causes also for mild erection. The specialists think that diabetes or heart diseases for example can be a reason why you can’t have a perfect erection. Heart diseases are strict related to the blood flow which is entering in your penis once the arousal point is reached.

There are also elements not related to your health that are resulting in mild erection. In time, for example 5 years the routine can cause sometimes mild erection but our advice is not to change the partner (only if you really want toJ ). Our doctors recommend Procalisx a 100% natural product with no side-effects and which was especially designed to focus on mild erection. This is herbal treatments is the perfect choice if you suffer from erectile dysfunction and you search for a cheap but very good treatment.

Treatments for mild erection

As we told you mild erection is the same type of problem as erectile dysfunction but there are just some small differences. Mild erection is the inability to have a full erection. If your full erection has 18 cm let’s say, mild erection is considered when the length is about 14 cm. This is a problem when you are not able to maintain a full erection in more than 25% of your sexual relations.

It is important to treat this problem because in time it will deteriorate your relation with your partner and it is for sure unpleasant this sentiment of embarrassment. Our doctors recommend Procalisx as the perfect solution. These are the advantages if you decide to follow such a treatment:

Procalisx is:
-considered the best medicine in curing mild erection from the entire market.
-offering a 100% natural cure with no side-effects.
-immediate results. In just 15 minutes after you take the dosage (2 pills/day)
-incredible prices (less than 1$/pill) and huge discounts
-offering safe and discreet package sent worldwide
- Offering 100% money refund policy if you are not happy about the results
- offering 24/7 support ready to answer to all your questions related to this product

Our customers are very happy about the results. We receive daily e-mail and phone calls from them who are thankful…finally …if you will not be happy you’ll receive all your money back. We are very confident that this will not happen.

It is the perfect time for you to achieve again a full erection. Forget now about the past experiences.

Check out ProCalisX natural ED treatment at

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