Wednesday, April 16, 2008

"Natural Viagra"

"Natural Viagra"

Doctors Malaspina, Muller and Chacon, as well as doctors from the USA and Canada, have good news for men who are suffering age-related sexual dysfunction. They can forget expensive, possibly dangerous Viagra. Maca works extremely well and safely.

Dr. Jorge Aguila Calderon, Dean of the Faculty of Human Medicine at the National University of FedericoVillareal in Lima, prescribes maca for a wide variety of conditions, including osteoporosis and the healing of bone fractures in the very elderly. He says, "Maca has a Lot of easily absorbable calcium in it, plus magnesium, and a fair amount of silica, which we are finding very useful in treating decalcification of bones in children and adults."

Dr Calderon has also helped patients overcome male impotence, male sterility, and female sterility by employing maca therapy. Additional problems he treats with maca are rickets, various forms of anaemia, menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes and night sweats, climacteric and erectile difficulties in men, premature ageing, and general states of weakness, such as chronic fatigue. Check out this site for the best natural herbal viagra

Check out the top selling product with Maca here ProVigraX Impotence Treatment contains Maca!

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